This is an open letter to global leaders by global leaders, calling for commitment and action to protect children from violence during the COVID-19 p…
The video introduces viewers to what Dr. Dan Brewster calls the Great Omission. This is what happens when pastors, missionaries, and seminar professo…
In most cases, children and youth have been excluded from the Great Commission. This video helps us understand how children and teenagers can also be…
Many churches today struggle to relate to the first century church, the “ecclesia” established by Jesus Christ. Similarly, many Christians struggle t…
This infographic shows the importance of encouraging children and teenagers to grow in their faith and allowing them to participate in the disciplesh…
Toyditz Cosico Jr. explains the role of the church in regards to children who live in places where Compassion International does not work. He encoura…
The real life stories in this powerful film illuminate how the local church is helping to rescue and restore children in the name of Jesus.
This book "Children," is part of Compassion’s Ministry Philosophy Series, which explores various concepts that are essential to Compassion's mi…
What does it mean to look after orphans and widows? How can the Church respond to the plight of children during times of crises? Be inspired by this …
Before Esther became a queen and heroine who saved the Jewish people, she was an orphaned girl. Mordecai took her in and raised her as his own daught…
As Jesus was ministering here on earth, He set aside time to rest and be with the Father. As we engage in the good work of protecting child…
When children praise God, they have a powerful impact on the spiritual realm. God loves children, and they play a mighty role in His Kingdom.&nb…
What can we learn from the story of Noah about what to do when we feel isolated? There are a few parallels that remind us how important it …
In the Bible, children are often involved when God performs a miracle. Read this devotion about one story in the Old Testament, and reflect on h…
In this devotion, see how God cares for and protects us - His children, and how He calls us to protect the children in our reach.
In his second letter, the Apostle John expresses his joy over children walking in the truth. Read this devotion and reflect on why children…
God chose to send His Son, Jesus, to earth in the form of a baby. Read this devotion and think about how Jesus' birth reflects the way God …
We find stories scattered throughout scripture where God uses children to accomplish His will. This devotion considers the role Miriam played in savi…
Just as with all of humanity, children are image bearers of God. They should be cared for and treated with dignity, so they can grow into the purpose…
There are several places in scripture where God tells His people to care for orphans and widows, but there are also verses that describe what will ha…
The Bible has a lot of stories about how God used children for His purposes. Read this devotion to learn about an “unnamed girl” whose co…
It’s not just the physical or sexual abuse of children that God abhors — He also hates psychological and emotional abuse. Read this devot…
No one is ever too old or too young to be used for God’s glory. Read this devotion that reveals how God used children to declare the fulfillmen…
Nothing is impossible for God --- even using unborn children to herald the birth of His Son. Read this devotion to learn how God used Mary and Elizab…