Child, Church and Mission was designed to help churches and seminary students reach, equip, and empower children so that they can maximize their tran…
This curriculum set offers six in-depth lessons on topics that are crucial to emotional health within one’s environment and situation. Students will …
Introduction to Child Maltreatment is part of the My Body is My Body program, dedicated to safeguarding children worldwide. This document addresses t…
In this tutorial video, Chrissy Sykes, author of the My Body is My Body program, covers the objective of the final song in her series called, “…
In this video tutorial, Chrissy Sykes, author of the My Body is My Body program, covers the objectives of the fourth song in her series called, &ldqu…
The My Body is My Body Signs of Child Abuse document provides important tips for responding to a child who reveals information indicating they are be…
A full compilation of the five animated videos and songs from the My Body is My Body child abuse prevention program. The videos entitled: My Body is …
The Love is Gentle Song 5 Tutorial explains the objectives of the final song in the My Body is My Body video series, helping children understand how …
This animated musical video teaches children what love looks like, so they can identify when something is not loving. For supplemental material on he…
The If You’ve Got A Problem Song 4 Tutorial equips parents and those who work with children to present the fourth song in the My Body is My Bod…
This animated musical video teaches children the importance of telling a trusted adult if someone is hurting them. For tips on helping children under…
The lesson “What is Child Abuse” helps the mother/caregiver compare child abuse and appropriate behavior management, as well as learn abo…
Parents and caregivers learn the benefits of delaying marriage for girls in their familly and community. They discuss the negative consequences of ea…
Parents and caregivers explore the importance of open communication with their children and learn the value of both verbal and non-verbal c…
Parents and caregivers learn how exposing evil done to us and through us is necessary for healing. They explore why, in some case…
Parents and caregivers explore how love transforms families by healing pain, breaking abusive patterns and helping parents and children lov…
Parents and caregivers explore the importance and responsibility of protecting their children from other children or adults who may seek to…
Parents and caregivers learn the definition of evil as choosing what is bad for another person's heart, mind and body. The truth is evil is…
Parents and caregivers learn how to reflect God's unconditional love as they care for their children's hearts, minds and bodies. They also&…
Series - 27 Resources
Caregivers explore similarities between parenting and gardening as this curriculum leads them through a transformative experience that equips th…
The lesson “Strategies for Creating and Allocating a Budget” helps mother/caregiver identify typical categories in a family budget and te…