The lesson “Dreams for the Future” teaches children to creatively express his or her dreams for the future, with an emphasis on goal sett…
The lesson “What Christmas Means to Me” allows the children to celebrate the Christmas holiday in song and play and gives each child the …
The lesson “God Cares for His Creation” teaches children how to tell others that God cares for and loves everything He has created. This …
The lesson “God Created Me to Trust Him” emphasizes the importance of trusting God even when bad things happen in life. The children will…
The lesson “In Sin We Do Not Reflect God’s Image” teaches children how God created us in His image and how He desires for us to ref…
The lesson “Jesus and the Pharisees” will help children understand and describe how the Pharisees treated Jesus. The children will unders…
The lesson “Twin Troubles” teaches children about the story of Jacob and Esau and the importance of honesty and forgiveness. Each child w…
The lesson “Sodom and Gomorrah” teaches children about how God sent angels to rescue Lot from the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Th…
The lesson “Tower to Heaven” will discuss the pride of the people in the Old Testament and how they tried to make themselves as important…
Based on the story of Abraham’s calling in Genesis 12:1-7 and 15:1-20, this video tells the story of God commanding Abraham to pack up his life and l…
The lesson “Caring for the Earth” emphasizes both the beauty of God’s creation and personal responsibility. The children will under…
The lesson “Maintaining Fellowship with God” will further help children understand the importance of a daily, personal relationship with …
The lesson “He Created Me to Worship” teaches children to recognize that God wants us to worship Him even during difficult circumstances.…
The lesson “I Can Love Myself” helps children to distinguish that no matter what has happened in their lives, they are always loved by Go…
The lesson “I Can Trust God” teaches children the importance of trusting God in all circumstances, good and bad. The children will perfor…
The lesson “New Heaven and Earth” discusses how the earth was once ruined by sin, but how the death of Jesus has renewed life and restore…
The lesson “Jesus and the Church” teaches children about how Jesus died for all of mankind and that the Church, as a whole, has the respo…
The lesson “Who is the Enemy?” teaches children how to identify the characteristics of Satan and understand the enemy’s effects on …
The lesson “In Sin I Do Not Reflect His Image” teaches children how God created us in His image and that in sin, we no longer reflect His…
The lesson “God’s Plan for Redemption” teaches children about God’s eternal plan for redemption and how Jesus lived on earth …
The lesson “He Created Adam and Eve” allows the children to creatively portray the creation of Adam and Eve by retelling the story aloud,…
The lesson “Father, Son and Holy Spirit – The Trinity” further explains the concept of the Holy Trinity to the children through the…
The lesson “God the Holy Spirit” teaches children about the concept of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit’s role in their lives. Each …
The lesson “God the Son- Who is Jesus?” teaches children to identify that God the Son, Jesus, came to die for our sins, set us free from …