The lesson “God Cares for the Earth” reminds children of the gift of God’s creation, the earth, and how special everything in His c…
The lesson “Serving My Family and Community” teaches children to identify several ways to serve their families and the wider community be…
The lesson “God Created Me to Worship Him” teaches children about the importance of thanksgiving and worshipping God in song and prayer. …
The lesson “I am Crowned with Glory and Honor” guides children in identifying the scriptures that communicate God’s unconditional l…
The lesson “God Created Me to Trust Him” emphasizes the importance of trusting God even when bad things happen in life. The children will…
The lesson “God’s Plan for Redemption” teaches children about God’s eternal plan for redemption. The children will be divided…
At the end of this lesson, the child will be able to explain that the Trinity is like a piece of fruit.They are three different parts (peel, flesh an…
The lesson “Praying for Our Community, Town, and Nation” further teaches children the importance and power of prayer, outside of themselves and for t…
The lesson “Jesus, the Doorway” teaches children about what it means to be saved. The children will understand and be able to tell what t…
The lesson “Jesus Gives His Life for Us” teaches children about the death of Jesus on the cross. The children will discuss why Jesus didn…
The lesson “Jesus is the Only Way” teaches children the verse John 14:6. Each child will also state two things Jesus said about Himself i…
The lesson “Maintaining Fellowship with God” will further help children understand the importance of a daily, personal relationship with …
The lesson “Jesus and the Church” teaches children about how Jesus died for all of mankind and that the Church, as a whole, has the respo…
The lesson “Defeating the Enemy in Our Lives” teaches children about the daily battle of good and evil on earth, and that the only answer…
The lesson “Who is the Enemy?” teaches children how to identify the characteristics of Satan and understand the enemy’s effects on …
The lesson “He Created Adam and Eve” allows the children to creatively portray the creation of Adam and Eve by retelling the story aloud,…
The lesson “He Created Earth and Animals” reviews the story of creation with the children and enables them to tell the story on their own…
The lesson “Father, Son and Holy Spirit – The Trinity” further explains the concept of the Holy Trinity to the children through the…
The lesson “God the Holy Spirit” teaches children about the concept of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit’s role in their lives. Each …
The lesson “God the Son- Who is Jesus?” teaches children to identify that God the Son, Jesus, came to die for our sins, set us free from …
The lesson “He is Invisible and Eternal” will expose children to God’s invisible and eternal nature. Using tangible examples such a…
The lesson “He is Merciful and Just” teaches children about the concepts of mercy and justice and how God is merciful and just towards th…
The lesson “He is Holy” teaches children to describe how and why God is holy. Children will list ways that they are each set apart for Go…
The lesson “He is the Only God” teaches children the story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal, and how our God is the only true God. The …