Jesus had an intense interest in children. He encouraged children to come to Him and He used them as illustrations of simple trust. Thus, to neglect …
The video introduces viewers to what Dr. Dan Brewster calls the Great Omission. This is what happens when pastors, missionaries, and seminar professo…
This video introduces people to the significance of children in transforming societies. If we want to transform a society, we need to first start wit…
This infographic shows the importance of encouraging children and teenagers to grow in their faith and allowing them to participate in the disciplesh…
This course provides an introduction to the theological foundations of holistic child development. It is intended to provide biblical and theological…
Hope is a verb. Hope is a muscle that can be strengthened with exercise. Hope is a spiritual discipline that can be practiced. And here is the really…
The 4/14 Window refers to the demographic group from age four to fourteen years old, which is the most open and receptive to every form of spiritual …
Compassion International is a non-profit organization committed to releasing children from poverty in Jesus's name. Holistic Child Development is cru…
This video displays the various ways that children played a vital role in major missions movements and revivals spanning centuries and across contine…
This video provides an overview and summary of Biblical examples of how and when God used children to further His Kingdom in mighty ways. This 2 minu…
Words are powerful. Old, inaccurate descriptors and the inappropriate use of medical diagnoses perpetuate negative stereotypes and reinforce a signif…
Childhoods in Cultural Context is a course that teaches people various aspects of child development in cultural contexts. As mentioned in the Forewor…
Series - 6 Resources
The purpose of this series is to help learners dig deep into the Word to see what it says about children and childhood. But more importantly, this se…