The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 includes lessons that work to develop awareness, education, and skills for the teen…
The lesson “I Can Prevent Other Diseases” is part 40 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson te…
The lesson “I Can Wash My Hands to Stay Healthy” is part 38 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This le…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – STIs” helps the mother/caregiver understand myths about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) an…
The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 includes lessons that work to develop awareness, education, and skills for the teen…
The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 includes lessons that work to develop awareness, education, and skills for the teen…
The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” helps the mother/caregiver understand how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant wo…
The lesson “Pre-Natal HIV/AIDS Prevention to the Newborn” educates the mother/caregiver on how HIV is transmitted from a pregnant mother …
The lesson “Preventable Disease-Malaria” enables the mother/caregiver to explain how malaria is transmitted and when and how to seek trea…
The Core Curriculum for adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 includes lessons that work to develop awareness, education, and skills for the teen…
The lesson “Preventable Disease-STIs” ensures the mother/caregiver is aware of STI symptoms, helps her identify high-risk behaviors for c…
The lesson “When Water Is Safe” is part 31 of a 44 part series on human development, family, health, and safety. This lesson teaches abou…
The lesson “Preventable Disease-Upper Respiratory Disease” enables the mother/caregiver to identify the difference between upper respirat…
The lesson “Clean Clothing for You and Your Child” enables the mother/caregiver to explain at least two or three reasons why it is import…
The lesson “Preventable Disease – HIV and AIDS” educates the mother/caregiver on HIV infection and AIDS. She will learn how HIV is …
The lesson “Preventable Disease-HIV/AIDS” enables the mother/caregiver to list ways HIV is transmitted, identify ways to protect herself …
The lesson “Preventable Disease – Malaria” teaches the mother/caregiver how to prevent malaria transmission within the home and sur…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 19+, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip young adults spir…
The curriculum set, “Youth Development Lesson Plans for Ages 12-14, Year 2” is a collection of lessons that aims to equip youth spiritual…
The curriculum set, “Physical Lesson Plans for Ages 6-8, Year 2” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children to choose good he…
The curriculum set, “Physical Lesson Plans for Ages 6-8, Year 1” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children to choose good he…
The curriculum set, “Physical Lesson Plans for Ages 9-11, Year 2” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children to choose good h…
The curriculum set, “Physical Lesson Plans for Ages 9-11, Year 1” is a collection of 52 lessons that will equip children to choose good h…
“Stewardship of the Body and Healthy Practices” is a study guide that explores the connection between our physical bodies and spiritual l…